Monday, January 25, 2010

Ap Bio Lab Nine Transpiration Answers How Difficult Is The AP Bio Lab Portion?

How difficult is the AP bio lab portion? - ap bio lab nine transpiration answers

I am independent study bio, so I am not in a class of agents, and have absolutely no laboratory. I do very well in practice tests and expect a 4 or 5 But the lab is the only party to fight. Some practical tests, such as the Princeton Review, not very well in the lab, but Cliffs Notes, I hardly do.

The practice of examining the difficulties of current portion AP Biology Laboratory comparison?


me said...

I take AP Bio in school and we had to make only time, 2 laboratories throughout the year, because we go so fast. my teacher do not worry, because that is how the class has done in recent years and have more than 75% of their students to 4 or 5 years. So do not insist on this point simply to understand the Princeton Review and to the concepts and you are doing well!
Good luck!

Bill said...

CliffsNotes Arent really accurate. Princeton is more accurate if you leave your guests in this one, to see where they are. So I took 2 Released practice exams on the University Council (true test-AP) and I deserve a little more than half, without the study laboratories. So, that's all I Laboratory is now studying. I have the rights with common sense and knowledge of issues, so to make if you study the laboratory examinations at the end of the book review to good.

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